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Benefits of having a coach

Do you ever sit and wonder about what your life would be like if you had made different choices?  Do you have regrets about something you have not accomplished, but desperately want to?  As long as you have life in your body it is not too late! 


Working with a coach provides you the opportunity to make time for yourself and take the steps needed to live the life you deserve.  With someone whose only goal is to help you cross the finish line in your big race, you will have direct access to an accountability partner like no other.  You will have a personally tailored weekly session complete with action items to keep your motivation strong throughout the weeks. 


You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! Call or chat now to schedule your free Discovery Call and get started immediately on becoming the woman you have always dreamed of!


For a limited time, I am offering free access as a founding member of my "Tips and Tricks to be a ConPow (confident powerful) Woman" Facebook group.  You will have access to weekly updates, monthly Q&A sessions, and first access to become a Beta member for the new "My Time is Now" online course! 

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